Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is a condition which affects the smooth movement of the joints, and while the term usually conjures up images of crippled fingers and hobbled movements, the effects of arthritis can actually range from benign to severe. Regardless of severity, sufferers are sure to be looking for effective arthritis treatment.

There are several different forms of arthritis, the most common being osteoarthritis. It first appears in the second and third decade of life, and can become very common by ageArthritis Treatment 70. This does not mean, however, that arthritis only affects the elderly.

Some forms of arthritis can appear in childhood and early adulthood. General arthritis symptoms include pain, stiffness, redness, heat and often swelling in inflicted areas.

Reasons For Arthritis

There are several reasons for arthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD). Some arthritis types have auto-immune causes (when the body begins to attack itself), and others are due to undue stress placed on the joints of your body. People with poor posture, excess weight, injuries or those who work in physically stressful industries are at most risk.

Inside healthy joints, the ends of the bones are covered with a tough tissue called cartilage. This cartilage is smooth and slick, so the bones can move easily.

Inside arthritic joints, the cartilage becomes rough and pitted. As the joints wear down, calcium deposits, spurs and swelling may develop. This restricts the movements of the joints and causes pain and inflammation.

Arthritis Treatment: What Can Be done?

Many arthritis sufferers assume that nothing can be done to reverse the degeneration or relieve arthritis pain. Others resort to surgery to replace joints with synthetic devices. In the case of chronic arthritis, the following can assist in reducing the severity of symptoms:

  • maintaining healthy balanced diet
  • having an active lifestyle
  • regular chiropractic care

It is important to maintain as much normal function as possible in the affected areas. This is where chiropractic is of benefit. Specific chiropractic adjustments can help increase motion. These adjustments are effective in reducing pain, improving joint mobility and increasing muscle flexibility for arthritis sufferers.

Chiropractors can also recommend stretches, exercises, and aids available to help improve mobility and range of motion in people with arthritis. Activities such as yoga, swimming and specific joint mobilisation exercises can be beneficial in this respect.


What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition where one or more joints are inflamed, tender or swollen. There are two types of arthritis – inflammatory arthritis, where your joints are inflamed, and degenerative arthritis, caused by wear and tear of the joints.

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

The symptoms of arthritis will depend on the type. However, common symptoms include swelling, tenderness, pain, and redness, that gets better with heat application and physical movement, and worse with the cold.

What are the most common types of arthritis?

The most common types of arthritis chiropractors see include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid and psoriatic. Osteoarthritis arises from wear and tear – that is, the overuse of your joints. Rheumatoid arthritis typically arises from genetics, and risk factors include smoking and obesity. Psoriatic arthritis stems of skin psoriasis.

What are the causes of arthritis?

Arthritis can be caused by age, overuse of the affected joint, genetics, or hypermobility. However, causes may vary depending on your type of arthritis.

Can arthritis be prevented?

Where arthritis is caused by age and genetics, it unfortunately cannot be prevented. However, maintaining a healthy weight/diet, staying mobile and active and stretching can help prevent or manage arthritis.

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