Massage therapy spans a wide variety of therapeutic approaches which aim to improve an individual’s health and well-being. Massage involves a manual application of pressure and movement to the soft tissues of the body including the skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Types of massage
Swedish Massage
This involves general massage techniques designed to increase blood and lymph flow, mobilise muscles and loosen tight surrounding tissue. It is excellent for maintenance of health and relaxation.
Remedial Massage
A corrective massage. The methods are very precise and directed at bringing the body back into balance. It can be used for a variety of problems such as back pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and repetitive strain injuries.
Sports Massage
Sports massage is very specific and can be quite deep. It can assist Tennis Elbow, Runner’s Knee and Swimmers Shoulder to name a few. There are also techniques that can assist your preparation and recovery following a big performance.
Massage can:
- Reduce stress and fatigue
- Alleviate pain
- Increase restricted range of motion
- Help calm and balance emotions
- Reduce water retention
- Ease and stop muscle cramping
- Assist in injury prevention
- Accelerate recovery from sporting activities
- Decrease muscle wastage from unused limbs
- Assist in the relief of constipation
- Increase blood and lymph flow
- Lessen the appearance and pain of scar tissue
- Help with anaemia
- Improve fracture repair
- Lessen period pain
- Improve metabolic function
Further reading
Also see Hot Stone Therapy, Pregnancy Massage and Aromatherapy
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