
ACL Injury – What You Need to Know

It’s quite common to hear about ACL injuries, but what actually is it? And more importantly, how can you treat an ACL injury? ACL refers to the anterior cruciate ligament that connects the thighbone to the shinbone. An ACL injury refers to the tear or sprain of that ligament. How do ACL Injuries Occur? ACL …

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The importance of warming up before sport or exercise – Injury Prevention  

Warming up before a game is often overlooked. However, warming up super beneficial as it increases flexibility and athletic performance and reduces your chance of injury. What is the purpose of warming up? The purpose of warming up is to prevent injury by increasing the body’s core and muscle temperature. Warm muscles turn stiff and …

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ICE VS HEAT: What is better for an injury or pain?

ICE VS HEAT What is better for an injury or pain?   Ice packs and heat pads are one of the common treatments used by Chiropractors. But we often have patients using the wrong treatment for their injury or pain. It can often be confusing if you should use ice or heat. We will be …

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Prolonged Sitting: What are the effects of sitting all day?

Many of us are becoming victims to the negative effects of prolonged sitting due to extensive working hours, meeting specific deadlines and increased computer use. The human body was designed to be vigorously active for hunting, gathering and native purposes. However, with the evolution of time and the movement from caves to offices, a large majority …

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Chronic Back Pain- Here’s what you need to know…

As chiropractors, here at Back to Basics Chiropractic we see many conditions come through our door, one of the most common is chronic back pain. Our spines are remarkable, assisting in supporting the body and maintaining structure to it. Which is why it is so important to protect and look after this area.  If pain …

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